Kara E. McCloskey, PhD
Associate and Founding Professor, School of Engineering
Chair, Graduate Program in Biological Engineering and Small-scale Technologies (BEST) and Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering (MBSE)
5200 N Lake Rd
Merced, CA 95343
Science and Engineering Building, Rm 344
Contact Info:
Email: kmccloskey@ucmerced.edu
Phone: (209) 228 - 7885
B.S. ChE, Ohio State University, 1996
M.S. ChE, Ohio State University, 1999
Ph.D. ChE & BME, Joint Program with Ohio State University and Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 2001
NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001-2005
Graduate Students
Jose Zamora jzamora@ucmerced.edu
Jose is a PhD student in Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering (MBSE) and NSF-CREST Fellow. He studies the emergence of spatial patterning between endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells during vasculogenesis, with an interest in how mechanotransduction influences the formation of these co-populations.
Maria Mendoza mmendoza65@ucmerced.edu
Maria is a PhD student in the Quantitative and Systems Biology graduate program and GEM Fellow. She is interested in identifying how the most common cancers as well as the cancers with the lowest 5-year survival rates induce angiogenesis. She is using single cell RNA seq databases to characterize endothelial cell populations in a variety of tissues.
Shiwani Limbu slimbu@ucmerced.edu
Shiwani is a PhD student in the Quantitative and Systems Biology graduate program. She is interested in identifying how the tumor microenvironment uses immune cells to contribute to or mitigate angiogenesis.
Metzli Montero mmontero7@ucmerced.edu
Metzli is a PhD student in the Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering (MBSE) graduate program. She is interested in developing a vascularized lung tissue model.
Hoda Zadeh zarabzadeh@ucmerced.edu
Hoda is a PhD student in the Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering (MBSE) graduate program. She is interested charactizing vascular matricies and using these to pattern cells and tissues.
Current Undergraduates
Laura Gonzalaz Rogriguiz - Bioengineering and TUSCEB Trainee
Jose Avila-Garcia - Bioengineering and TUSCEB Trainee
Andrew Lopez - Bioengineering
Joanna Gutierrez Coss Y Leon - Bioengineering
Jasmine (little) Aguirre - Human Biology
Vanessa Cruz Garcia - Human Biology
LAB Mascot